138,00 €
incl. IVA più spese di spedizione
Pendant for Facetted Crystals with Crystal of your choice in a box.
Pendant for Facetted Crystals with Crystal in a box
Dunkelgrau, Hellgrau, Lichtgrün, Mittelgrau, Purpur, Rose, Türkis
4 bent glass rods in different special colors.
IVA inclusa
più spese di spedizione
Perlux P-117 for point treatment; Set with one therapy light pen P117, 7 glass rods in different spectral colors, a point locator probe and a spare bulb.
PF-450 for both surface and point treatment; Set with 2 therapy light pens P-117 and F-333, 7 glass rods in different spectral colors, 7 flat lenses, a point locator probe and a spare bulb.
Each disk is unique with its own number, a certificate personally signed by Peter Mandel and a detailed description of how to use it.
After the Dream Disc (Disc of Light) and the Heart Disc (Disc of Love) Peter Mandel has now developed the Earth Disc (Disc of Life).
Crystal Activator
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